5 Basic Cheerleading Stretches To Get Higher Jumps & Sharper Tumbling!

Cheerleading stretches

This post is all about cheerleading stretches.

Before I get into this blog post, please remember that flexibility training takes time. Don’t try to push yourself farther than what you’re comfortable with, and don’t try anything you’re unsure of without your coach or instructor present. 

My advice is to start small, and build your flexibility little by little over time to keep your muscles and joints safe. Stretching is an essential part of cheerleading.

Taking the time to stretch regularly will not only increase your flexibility but will help you jump higher and improve your tumbling. When you’re well stretched, your body will feel less tense and you’ll improve your range of motion when it comes to tumbling, stunts, and choreography. 

Today, I’m sharing 5 essential cheerleading stretches geared towards helping you improve your skills as a cheerleader. 

I’ll cover back stretches that are perfect for skills like back handsprings and walkovers, as well as arm, leg, and shoulder stretches that will keep your muscles and joints loose and allow you to support your body when tumbling.

Basic Cheerleading Stretches

#1: Cobra

cheerleading stretches

The cobra or seal stretch is an essential stretch all cheerleaders should know. You do this stretch by laying on your stomach and using your arms to lift your torso.

Arch your back and look up towards the sky. And remember to be breathing deeply! Ease into the stretch and don’t try to arch all the way at first, especially if you haven’t stretched for the day yet.

Little by little, you can slowly arch your back a little more and hold the position for a few seconds to a few minutes each time. 

Doing a simple stretch like this daily will increase your back flexibility and improve skills that require back strength and flexibility like back handsprings, bridges, back walkovers, scorpions, and needles.

Related: The Main Cheerleading Positions EXPLAINED (And Which One Is Right For You)

Also Related: Ultimate Beginner Cheerleading Terms Glossary | 40 Essential Terms To Know!

#2: Bridge

Speaking of bridges, bridges are another great stretch to improve your back flexibility and related cheerleading skills. This is a basic tumbling move that will be one of the first that you learn as a beginner cheerleader, and it’s an essential skill for every cheerleader to have.

Bridges also serve as great warmups for more intense back stretches, workouts, and tumbling. You do a bridge by laying flat on your back, bending your knees, placing your hands by your ears, and pushing up.

Arch your back, and support your body using your arms and legs. To use this stretch to increase back flexibility, slowly walk your arms and legs closer together. 

Over time, you’ll be able to get your arms and legs closer and closer together and be able to hold a bridge for longer.

As you improve, you can even try walking while in a bridge position! You can also try gently rocking back and forth or side to side to loosen up your spine.

A more advanced way to enter a bridge position is to do so from a standing position. This is not something you should try for the first time without your coach or instructor present. 

How it works is you’ll start in a standing position, lift your arms by your ears, look at your hands (I find it helps to look at your fingertips), and arch your back until your hands reach the ground.

You can also try the opposite of this which is to stand up directly from a bridge. Mastering moves like these are fantastic ways to work toward getting your front and back walkovers and handsprings.

Related: What To Bring To Cheer Practice (9 Essentials Every Cheerleader NEEDS)

#3-5: Shoulder Stretches

As a cheerleader, you use your arms a ton: when tumbling, dancing, and performing stunts. All of these are activities that require your arms to be strong and flexible.

In this section, I’ll share three basic shoulder stretches that will help improve your tumbling skills. The first stretch is to bend your arm, grab your elbow, and lift it by your ear and above your head. Hold this stretch for a few seconds, release, and repeat. Then do your other arm.

The second stretch is similar, but with your arm outstretched above your head. The third stretch is when you grab your upper arm and hold it across your chest (see below).

cheerleading stretches

Follow the same pattern of hold, release, repeat, and switch with each of these stretches. When tumbling, having a wide range of motion in your shoulders is extremely beneficial.

When you’re doing a handspring, stunting, or dancing, you’re snapping your arms back and moving between positions very quickly. 

When your arms and shoulder are warmed up and well-stretched, these types of motions will feel easier to do and you’ll be able to support your muscles and joints better when performing.

Related: Every Type of Cheerleading EXPLAINED And Which One is Right For You!

Closing Thoughts

Today, I talked about three types of cheerleading stretches that will help you improve your tumbling skills and level up your flexibility training. 

Stretching your back, arm, and shoulder muscles will ensure that your body is properly warmed up before practicing intense stunts and tumbling moves.

Over time, your increased flexibility will also help improve your range of motion, height, and technique when it comes to jumps, stunts, and tumbling. Remember to go slow and listen to your coach when it comes to flexibility so they can help you improve in a safe way!

Thanks for reading my post “5 Basic Cheerleading Stretches To Get Higher Jumps & Sharper Tumbling! (EVERY Athlete Needs To Do These).”

I hope this helped you, and good luck on your cheerleading journey! If you loved this post, be sure to check out: 19 Cute Ways To Wear A Sports Jersey!

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nikki lo

rochester-based lifestyle blogger, web designer, minimalist, among other things! catch me binging YouTube, decorating, customizing my home screen, or cheering on the NY Sirens.


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