5 Step Sunday Reset Routine To BEAT The Sunday Scaries!

sunday reset routine

This post about a simple Sunday reset routine contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase a product with a link on this page, I get a small kickback at no extra cost to you.

Sunday scaries are no joke. The good news? All you need to beat them is a simple Sunday reset routine! Today, I'm talking all things cleaning, meal prep, planning, self care, and refreshing so you're prepped to start the week on a positive and healthy note.

5 Simple Steps For A Sunday Reset Routine

#1: Clean Your Living & Working Space

sunday reset routine

The first step in my Sunday reset routine is cleaning my physical space and revamping the environment that I spent time in every single day.

I'm starting off with your basic cleaning tasks, wiping down all of my services, vacuuming, mopping, doing laundry - all of that boring stuff!

I'm also taking the opportunity to reorganize a little bit and to maybe pick out some items or clothes that I don't use anymore that I can either donate or sell.

I always find that starting off the week with a fresh, clean space leaves me feeling calmer and more motivated to be productive. I also tend to enjoy spending time in my room a lot more.

Even if you don't feel like doing a huge clean out, just doing a few little things here and there, like putting anything on the floor back in its place, or wiping down your surfaces, can make your life feel a lot more put together.

The second step in my weekly reset routine is related to my first point, but in this one, I'm focusing on updating and revamping the decor in my room and the general aesthetics of my physical surroundings.

I find that when my physical surroundings are aesthetically pleasing, it really improves a bad mood! So for this one, I'm not doing a complete redecorating but I did get a couple of new decor items I’m excited about.

Even just these couple of little things really make a big difference in my space. Probably my favorite thing that I picked up is this starlight from Amazon.

The lights are just so pretty and you can control it and completely customize it with an app that you download on your phone. You can even change the colors and the speed of the light rotation. It's also a Bluetooth speaker and is in general really relaxing! 

The next thing that I picked up are a couple of new candles. I actually was never really into candles up until very recently because they weren't allowed in my college housing, and I have a cat so I was always just nervous to try them out.

I recently tried lighting a candle and boy have I been missing out! It was so incredibly relaxing and left my room smelling so good. I totally wish I started lighting candles long ago. 

The third thing I picked up is this cute fake plant. I’m loving the boho vibes this gives my space, and it’s the perfect medium size - not too big and not too small!

After redecorating just a little bit, my room is a more relaxing space I really love spending time in it. So go out and treat yourself to a couple of new things for your room, or even do a complete room redo, it's totally up to you!

As long as you create a space that you really love, feel comfortable in, and enjoy spending time in.

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#3: Decluttering My Digital Space

sunday reset routine

So, the third step in my Sunday reset routine is organizing and decluttering my digital space. I feel like this is something that is often forgotten about or overlooked.

It’s something that I honestly never really thought about up until very recently when I saw it mentioned in a YouTube video and it really inspired me.

I'm starting off with my laptop and I'm closing all of the tabs that I have open on my browser. I'm one of those people that never close their tabs and I will literally have like 50 tabs open at any given time. It's really bad and I'm trying to get better at closing them! 

I am also going to be closing or restarting any apps that I have open as well as removing a couple of things that I have down on my taskbar.

I'm also going to be checking to see if there are any system updates or any app updates that need to be taken care of. I'm someone that always postpones doing system updates so I'm taking the opportunity now to finally get that taken care of!

Next, I'm decluttering and reorganizing my bookmarks on my browser. I have a ton of things bookmarked and some of these are from the previous job that I was in, but now that I’m in a new job I’m updating them to links I use daily. 

The next thing that I'm doing is deleting any files that I don't use on my desktop or just reorganizing the files on my computer in general.

I'm pretty good about keeping all of my work files organized but if it's a file that I use one time or for something random I tend to just leave it in my documents, desktop, downloads sections.

This week, that's something I would like to avoid doing so I can keep my digital space nice and clear and make sure that I can always find everything!

On a similar note, the next thing that I'm doing is organizing my Google Drive and email inbox. I'm also going to be backing up any important files from my desktop into my Google Drive. That's another thing that I should really be doing a lot more often than I have been!

Luckily, I haven't had any issues with losing work in a minute, but backing things up even just on a weekly basis would be a great way to prevent that from happening. 

Next, I’m moving on to my phone. I'm doing a lot of the same things that I just did on my laptop: closing tabs, updating my system and apps, deleting apps that I don't use anymore, closing windows and notifications that I still have open, deleting any pictures and videos that I don't want anymore, and backing up my files.

The last thing that I'm doing to revamp my digital space is a bit more fun! I'm going to be updating my desktop and phone wallpapers.

If you’re looking for some cute new wallpapers and icons for this part of your reset routine, definitely stop by my shop where I have a ton of handmade digital assets for you to explore!

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#4: Journaling & Planning

Next, I’m going to be journaling, goal setting, creating a weekly schedule, reflecting on the previous week, doing anything that really refreshes my mental health for the upcoming week. 

So, I'm going to start out by doing a little journaling. Journaling isn't something that I do too often, really just a couple of times a year or whenever I feel like I have a lot of my mind and need to get it out somehow. I'm just keeping it simple and writing down a couple of goals I have for this week. 

Probably the biggest goal that I have is continuing to work on my web design business. This week, I’d also love to try and regulate my sleep schedule. This is something that I have struggled with for years!

I’m naturally a night owl and always feel really awake at night. I’ll get the urge to work and be really productive late at night and sometimes, no matter what time I get up in the morning, I tend to feel tired. 

I’m trying to make sure that I don't go to bed too late and don't get up too late. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, like getting up at 5 or going to bed at 8 or 9, but if I can be up by 8 or 9 at the latest every day, then I'll be pretty happy with that!

And of course, if I can get up even earlier that's even better! It's funny because in the moment, getting up early is something that I dread, but once I actually get up and get ready, I actually kind of enjoy it.

I feel a lot less rushed getting ready in the morning and it's really nice feeling like I have so much time left in the day to get stuff done and relax after work!

Another part of planning my week involves meal prep. If figuring out what to eat on a daily basis is a major stressor for you, definitely consider giving meal prepping a try!

#5: Glow Up!

The final step in my Sunday reset routine is to revamp my own physical appearance & do all of those little hygiene tasks! Just doing a couple of minor things really help me to have more confidence in my appearance and feel a little bit prettier.

I really like wearing these fake nails, especially from the brand ‘Kiss’. Usually, I get them from Target or Amazon. For color, I’ve been loving white, neutral, tan, or a classic french nail!

Other things I did to glow up this week include getting my hair trimmed, treating myself to a couple of new clothes, and having a self care session!

My self care session included burning a candle, taking a hot shower, doing a hair & facial mask, trimming my nails, shaving, and relaxing while watching YouTube. I highly recommend doing this on a regular basis!

Outro & Closing Thoughts

Today, I showed you 5 things that I do to as part of my weekly reset routine to beat the Sunday Scaries. A new week is a really great opportunity to refresh your mind and your surroundings.

It’s the perfect time to reflect on the things you’d like to do differently this week, but also the things that you're proud of! 

So, I hope this gave you some motivation and inspiration to do your own Sunday reset routine. Thanks for reading my post on my Sunday reset routine!

For handmade digital art prints, icon packs, wallpapers, & more designed by me, be sure to stop by my digital boutique: Designed By Nikki Lo.

Connect with me!

nikki lo

rochester-based lifestyle blogger, web designer, minimalist, among other things! catch me binging YouTube, decorating, customizing my home screen, or cheering on the NY Sirens.


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