How To Focus On School Work (7 Effective Strategies To Use!)

How To Focus On School Work

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If you’re like me, chances are you find yourself getting easily distracted when you’re trying to get some homework done.

Whether it’s procrastination, social media, having a ton on your plate, or something else, sometimes it’s hard to just sit down and focus! This post is all about the tips and strategies I’ve learned that help me do just that, and I hope they can help you too.

With some time and trial and error, I’ve learned to procrastinate less, block out my biggest distractions, and get my work done ahead of time. I’m by no means perfect, but I’m proud of how my work habits have improved.

These tips have helped me be less stressed about school, get my work done faster, and have more free time to enjoy. So, here are 7 simple ways to focus better and be more productive as a student.

How To Focus On School Work: 7 Effective Tips

#1: Use An App Blocker

How To Focus On School Work


If scrolling on your phone or social media are your biggest distractions, it might be time to download an app blocker.

If you want to go cold turkey, you can always completely block all social media apps, but what I like to do is just block them during the days and times I need to be productive. For example, I set my app blocker to block my social apps when I’m in class or when I’m working on homework in the afternoons.

I also like to block them early in the morning and late at night. This helps keep me from scrolling when I wake up and before I go to bed. The key is to figure out a schedule that works best for you!

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#2: Work Outside Of Your Living Space

How To Focus On School Work

I’m sure you’ve heard people say that you shouldn’t work in bed because your brain associates your bed with rest, making it harder to concentrate on work and fall asleep when you need to.

I’ve found that’s generally true for my entire living space! I associate my apartment with hanging out, eating, watching TV, sleeping, and other leisure activities.

This makes it hard to focus on work on home. If you’re the same, try finding a setting to work that’s outside of your dorm or apartment.

It can be literally anywhere, from your dorm building’s lounge, to a coffee shop, the library, a park, etc.

My advice is to figure out what noise level helps you focus best. For example, if you need silence to concentrate, try working in the library. If you like mild background noise like me, a coffee shop might be the way to go!

If you prefer silence but live with roommates or can’t find a quiet spot on campus, it might be worth it to get a pair of noise cancelling headphones. You’ll be able to turn any spot into a quiet place to help you focus better.

#3: Figure Out Whether You Work Best In A Group Or Alone

How To Focus On School Work

The next tip I have for you is to figure out whether you like working independently or in a group. I know that some people can’t focus unless they’re alone, while group work actually motivates others to get their work done. Everyone’s different, and the key is to figure out what suits your work style best!

#4: Work When You Feel Most Motivated

How To Focus On School Work

This next tip is one that’s actually helped me a ton. You might notice that there’s certain times of the day when you feel most motivated to get your work done.

For some, it’s early in the morning. For others, it’s at nighttime. My advice is to use those boosts in energy and motivation to your advantage to get as much work done as possible.

If you’re feeling naturally energized to work after dinner, try to check something off your to-do list! Similarly, try to avoid working during times you feel tired, sluggish, or unmotivated.

For example, like a lot of people, I always get a little tired after lunchtime. So, I use that time to take a break or complete tasks that don’t require as much mental energy.

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#5: Listen To Something That Helps Your Focus (Or Nothing At All)

How To Focus On School Work

What we listen to while we’re working can make a big difference in our focus. Some people prefer music, some prefer podcasts, some like background noise or ASMR, and some people might prefer complete silence!

It might take some trial and error to figure out what type of audio helps you focus the best, but once you do, it’ll become an integral part of your study routine.

If you prefer listening to music while you study, remember that there are so many genres and types of songs to choose from! You might find that certain types of music help you concentrate more than others.

As an example, I’ve actually found that I focus better while listening to instrumental music than something like pop or rap. Specifically, instrumental jazz for the ultimate cozy coffee shop vibes!

Once you’ve found what works for you, make a playlist you can come back to whenever it’s time to be productive.

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#6: Use the Pomodoro Method

How To Focus On School Work

If you have trouble knowing when to take breaks and how to manage your time while studying, try using the pomodoro method!

If you’re unfamiliar, the pomodoro method is a study method in which you take regular breaks in between study segments. For example, you might work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break, and so on.

It’s especially worth a try if you feel like you have trouble paying attention to school work for long periods of time. You can time it yourself, use an app, or use my favorite way of following this method: YouTube!

If you look up anything related to “study with me” or “pomodoro method” on YouTube, you’ll find real time pomodoro method videos that you can follow along with while working.

A lot of them include calming background music, visuals, and ASMR, too! Here are some of my favorites to use:

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#7: Take Care Of Your Physical & Mental Health

How To Focus On School Work

The final tip is to take care of yourself! You’ve heard it before, but things like eating right, sleeping right, exercising regularly, taking time for self care, etc. is so important when it comes to your overall ability to stay focused and productive.

If you’re running on four hours of sleep, or you skipped breakfast, or you’re feeling overworked, it’s safe to say you won’t be able to concentrate as well as you will if you’re in a healthy state of mind.

And remember, sometimes the best thing you can do for your productivity is to just take a break!

Closing Thoughts

So, that wraps up my best tips when it comes to how to focus on school work. I hope these help you out and wishing you the best of luck in school.

Give this article a share if you know someone who’d get use out of these tips! Thanks for reading my post “How To Focus On School Work: 7 INCREDIBLY Effective Strategies To Try!”

Need some music to study to?

Try my personal favorite study playlist here: The Perfect Chill Pop Playlist For Studying & Working.

Starting college for the first time?

Check out this pair of posts for some tips and advice for freshman year:

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nikki lo

rochester-based lifestyle blogger, web designer, minimalist, among other things! catch me binging YouTube, decorating, customizing my home screen, or cheering on the NY Sirens.

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