How To Be Okay With Not Being Productive All The Time! (10 Things You NEED To Hear)

How To Be Okay With Not Being Productive

It’s far too easy to get down on yourself for not being productive. We’ve all been there - I know I have. It’s what inspired me to write this article in the first place.

This post is here to help remind you that it’s okay, healthy, and normal to just exist sometimes.

So if you’re feeling that guilty, stressed out feeling that you weren’t productive enough today, below are 10 things you need to hear.

How To Be Okay With Not Being Productive

#1: You Don’t Have To Be Productive Just Because Society Tells You To Be

We live in a society that values productivity.

Sometimes, it can feel like if you’re not working towards something or contributing to the world 24/7, you’re not doing your “part” as a member of society.

Social media doesn’t help with this either. I love a good “productive day in my life” vlog sometimes, but content like this is so popular and omnipresent online that to an everyday viewer, it feels like everyone else except you is productive all the time.

Remember that social media is a highlight reel, and absolutely no one is productive all the time - even if they come across that way.

Society and media heavily romanticize productivity, but that doesn’t mean you have to too.

#2: It’s Not Possible To Be Productive 24/7

You’re a human being, not a robot or a machine. You aren’t built to be working all the time and nor are you meant to be.

So, why would you stress yourself out striving towards something that isn’t physically possible in the first place?

#3: Your Productivity Is Not Tied To Your Self Worth

Your worth and how much you get done every day are completely separate from each other.

If you have an unproductive day, that doesn’t mean you are any less valuable of a human being or any less deserving of any good things that come your way.

#4: It’s Easy To Be Overly Optimistic About What You Can Achieve In A Day

If you’re someone who always adds more tasks to your daily to-do list than you actually have time to complete, I’m totally with you.

Looking up at the clock and realizing the day’s almost over and you’ve still got a long way to go on your to-do list can feel really sucky.

Sure, it’d be nice to be able to check all those things off in a day, but for the most part it’s just not realistic.

Try to be more realistic about what you can achieve in a day, and be gentle with yourself whether you get everything done or not - because it’s okay either way!

Related: My (Ideal) College Morning Routine When I’m Feeling Productive

#5: Life Happens, And That’s Okay

Whether you get sick, have a family emergency, or just plain need a break, life happens.

Sometimes, being productive has to take a backseat for the sake of, well, life. Recognize that that’s just apart of life and give yourself grace.

Take the time you need to care for yourself, your friends, and your family, because at the end of the day, there is nothing more important. Your to-do list can wait.

#6: There Is Nothing More Important Than Your Mental & Physical Health

It’s pretty hard to get things done when you’re tired, sick, hungry, sad, angry, anxious, or just need a break.

Listen to your feelings and your body. Take the time to journal, take a nap, have a therapy session, binge a show, eat, hydrate, or whatever you need to do to care for your physical and mental health.

Because when you’re healthy, sure you’re able to be more productive, but more important than that - you’re healthy.

#7: It’s Okay If The Only Thing You Did Today Was Breathe

Just let that sink in for a second. Reread it. I stumbled on that quote while scrolling Pinterest one day. I love that mentality, and I truly stand by it.

Most of us have a lot going on in our lives. Work, school, personal relationships, social lives, taking care of ourselves, taking care of others…the list goes on.

Life can get a little crazy, and every day looks a little different.

Sometimes we’re busy. Sometimes we’re not. Sometimes we’re supposed to be busy but we end up just chilling.

Sometimes we have free time and get random motivation to be productive. And sometimes it’s a combination of all of those.

We all need to stop and just breathe sometimes, whether it’s for a whole day (or longer) or just for a few minutes in the middle of a busy day.

And either way is totally okay as long as you’re listening to yourself and giving yourself however long you need to rest if you can.

Because life is crazy - and we need those moments to reset, so don’t feel bad for taking them to do just that.

#8: Resting *IS* Productive

Sure, when I say “rest” I’m talking about sleep, but I’m also talking about other forms of rest like watching Netflix, self care, just plain doing nothing, or whatever resting looks like for you.

We all recharge in different ways. You need rest to be productive like a car needs fuel to drive. And since rest is fuel, I’d say that makes resting productive in itself.

#9: Balance Is Everything

It’s pretty hard to get things done without taking the time to rest, recharge, and have fun.

That’s where your energy to tackle that to-do list comes from in the first place after all!

So, make regular time for rest and run. That’s right - both. Schedule them on your calendar or even set a reminder if you have to.

Just some of the ways I personally love to recharge are by working out, taking a long, hot shower, watching YouTube, listening to music, playing with my cat, napping, spending time with friends and family, and even a little bit of retail therapy here and there.

#10: You Deserve Self Love & Kindness

And finally, remember to be kind to yourself - because you deserve it, no matter how you’re feeling or how productive you are.

You are worthy of happiness, love, success, rest, and all sorts of good things. And that includes having a healthy balance of rest, fun, and productivity in your life.

Related: My Junior Year College Night Routine (Chill & Productive)

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for reading “How To Be Okay With Not Being Productive All The Time! (10 Things You NEED To Hear),” and I truly hope it helps you.

Save this for later when you need to hear these reminders again and share this with someone who needs to hear it.

As always, I’m wishing you all the best and lots of love! -Nikki <3

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Nikki Lo

Rochester-based lifestyle blogger, web designer, minimalist, among other things! Catch me binging YouTube, decorating, or customizing my home screen.

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